New Jokes in English

New Jokes in English.

Lazy friend joke

Lazy friend joke in English

Text version of lazy friend joke

Bison 1- You lazy lamb.
Bison 2- Lamb is good, ha ha.
Bison 1- You are a goat.
Bison 2- Goat is good, ha ha ha.
Bison 1- Then you are a human.
Bison 2- Enough! There is a limit to insulting.

Worst luck joke

Worst luck joke

Text version of worst luck joke

Friend 1 – Have you seen the message yet which I sent you yesterday?
Friend 2 – Are you talking about that message to congratulate me on winning ten millions.
Friend 1 – Yes.
Friend 2 – But I have not bought any lottery tickets recently.
Friend 1 – Then the message is not for you.
Friend 2 – But last month I bought a lottery ticket but did not get any prize.
Friend 1- Even though that message is not for you. What an unfortunate fellow you are!

Yesterday I saw you joke

Yesterday I saw you joke

Text version of Yesterday I saw you joke

Girl – Yesterday I saw you on TV.
Boy – Did you enjoy my dance on TV?
Girl – As soon as I saw you on TV I changed the channel.

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